Input: set of points or set of connected lines, non-intersecting, simple, convex, closed polygon

Output: another set of points or set of connected lines, open/branched polygons possible

Goal: Like PCA (Principal Component Analysis) or Curve fitting, for given set of points, wish to compute fitting curve (polygon: lines or points).

Wish to know if there is any Neural Network (Deep Learning) architecture suitable to such tasks.

This is Sequence to Sequence model. Input is sequence of variable length points or lines (m). Output is variable length points/lines (n). m may not be same as n, mostly less.

For each set of input/output, m and n would be different. ie. m1 is not same as m2.

RNN and LSTM seem to be for fixed length inputs/outputs. Another constraint is that I cannot use bucketing or padding to make input/output fixed length, as there are not good PAD values. PAD values like (0.0, 0.0) can be considered as VALID in set of given points.

Please suggest good neural network model. Any references/papers?

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