Dear researcher,
First of all I would like to thank everyone of you for combating COVID-19. I have some basic queries regarding re-infection of corona virus. Can a person gets re-infected after recovered form COVID-19? Because, as far as my understanding's concern no drugs is available to kill the virus (as no such scientific claim is there!) so a patient is recovered means we can assume he/she combat the virus by creating some defense mechanism/antibody in plasma. Some news also flashed regarding treatment of corona patient with plasma collecting from recovered people. At this point I want to know if plasma treatment is happening and on the other hand re-infection is also occur, then what happened to the person gets re-infected? In which mechanism he/she recovered from corona virus? Did he/she was unable to create antibody? If so, how did he/she cleared virus from his/her body? If not, what is the future or reality of plasma treatment?
Or else the loop: tested positive->recovered->again tested positive, is a mistake of corona testing process?
I may be wrong some point or less informed, please excuse and help me out to get me the reality.
Thank you for your kind attention.