Call for Papers


International Journal of BIM and Engineering Science (ISSN: 2571-1075) invites researchers, scholars, and authors to submit their original and extended research to publish in a peer-reviewed international research journal. All submitted papers will be published online.

Submission open for June - 2019

IJBES is a high-quality open access peer-reviewed research journal that is published by BIMarabia. IJBES providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students. IJBES welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, book reviews, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, a technical note from all over the world.

IJBES publishes a research paper in the field of:

Building Information Modeling in architectural, engineering, and construction management.

Date of Publishing: Vol. 2 Issue No. 1 is scheduled to be published on June 30, 2019.

Acceptance Notification: within 7-14 days from the submission

Submission deadline: June 20, 2019

Please, send your manuscript to the editor at:

[email protected] or [email protected]

Please, share this call for papers to your community.

Warm Regards,

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