If a simulated population has an annual growth rate = 0 (fixed in a demographic model), would it mean that a 1.7% additionnal mortality caused by an anthropogenic pressure would result in a 1.7% decline (annual growth rate = -1.7%)?
The simple answer to your question is no. There is not a one-to-one correspondence between a decline in survival and a decline in population growth rate. In order to obtain the expected decline in growth rate you need to multiply the decline in survival (additional mortality) by the sensitivity of growth rate to changes in (adult) survival. The sensitivity can be found analytically using a matrix population model. See e.g. books by Hal Caswell on matrix models. A reasonably easy way to do this is in practice is to use the software ULM developed by Stephane Legendre (http://www.biologie.ens.fr/~legendre/ulm/ulm.html).