SES scales should (ideally) be developed to be country-specific. This is because the usual components of these scales (education, income, & occupation) can vary across countries. In the absence of a well-developed scale you could use a ranking by occupation as occupation will usually reflect the other two components. If available you could use the occupational groups included in the national census.
SES scales should (ideally) be developed to be country-specific. This is because the usual components of these scales (education, income, & occupation) can vary across countries. In the absence of a well-developed scale you could use a ranking by occupation as occupation will usually reflect the other two components. If available you could use the occupational groups included in the national census.
Traditionally it includes measures of education and income. SES research has also progressed into social class research in the past few years. I would be looking into journal publications your are investigating as part of your literature review to see and build upon what past research has used. Possibly adding an element of scale validation to your study or simply adding to the cultural validity of already established scales.
you might want to consider a subjective Socioeconomic scale, if you have reasons to believe, more objective measures might not be suitable for the both urban and rural population.