Could you be more specific? There are millions of publications on qualitative methods, to be able to help you you need to tell us more about what you are interested in, your research question etc.
hi - Victoria Clarke and I published 'Successful Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide for beginners (SAGE, London) last year - I would (of course!) recommend that... It also has a very detailed companion website... Here's a link if you're interested
The fifth edition of 'The Research Process' (Bouma, Gary D.) is an introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methods for undergraduate university students. It takes a non-statistical, non-mathematical approach.
I have found Research Design: Qualitative & quantitative approaches by John W. Creswell. Sage Publications, 1994 very useful for my own learning about the subject. Creswell as other publications that can interest you.
Designing Qualitative Research,Fifth Edition by Catherine Marshall & Gretchen B. Rossman has given me a lot of insights. Please consider looking at it, may be useful to you as well.
One of the very useful books about evaluation methods in qualitative research, including many examples, is this one: Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods, Michael Quinn Patton (2002)
I would reccomend: Ian Dey - Qualitative Data Analysis: A User-friendly Guide for Social Scientist; Graham Gibbs - Analyzing Qualitative Data, and older but really essential and inspiring books : James Spradley - The Ethnographic Interview, Participan Observation. Cheers
I strongly recommend Patton's book - many clear distinctions and clarifications, very easy to read! Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods, Michael Quinn Patton (2002).
Another good book on grounded theory is by Kathy Charmaz. Its a good book but there are sections that I find a little abstract or complex to comprehend.
Grounded Theory, A Pratical Guide, Melanie Birks and Jane Mills, 2012, Sage, it is another very useful book about grounded theory (GTM). The Handbook of GTM, edited by Bryand and Charmaz give also a very useful overview about many topics connected with GTM.