In questionnaire analysis, for example, four aspects of the research issue each are measured by asking the opinion of about 45 respondents with a series of related questions have 5 point Likert scales measured as "very little", "little", "normal", "much", "too much".

I got such data from someone already entered in the SPSS datasheet and I asked my help to confirm the methods used to analyze such data, and the following steps have been done

1) I see "very little", "little", "normal", "much", "too much" are entered with 1,2,3,4,5 in SPSS.

Then response scores for every aspect are measured with averaging (summing up his/her answers to let's say 5 related questions and dividing by the number of questions) to get a score that varies from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 5.

2) then normality of the aspects (resulted averaged scores) is tested using Kolmogorov Smirnov, and the related p-values for all aspects are all less than 0.05, so the normality assumption has been rejected

3) To measure the correlation between the aspects and test its significance, the Pearson correlation coefficient has been used.

I would be appreciated it if you criticize and let me know if

a) Using 1,2,3,4,5 for measuring "very little", "little", "normal", "much", "too much" is logical or instead -2,-1,0,1,2 shall be used? (Or it makes no difference regarding further analysis asked in the following?)

b) Summing up then averaging the ordinal scaled measurement and assuming it as a continuous variable then testing its normality is correct?

c) Supposing the answer of the continuity assumption in question2 would be “yes” then, of course, using the Pearson correlation to measure the relation between aspects seems to be correct but for testing the significance what shall be done if the normality of aspects were rejected regarding the KS test. Here is it reasonable to use Spearman correlation?

(remember the number of variables used in averaging aspects, is less than 5 for some aspects and let's say 36 for other aspects).

Name please some applied reference books learning how to analyze the questionnaire.

Many thanks in advance.


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