contraceptive prevalence rate is low where high unmet need for family planning.
Also as per AHS (2012-13), unmet need for family planning in Odisha was 18.9%, unmet need for spacing was 8.7% and unmet need for limiting was 10.1%, where was unmet need for spacing was 8.1 % in the
year 2010-12, it means unmet need for spacing was increased.
Out of every 100 individual with unmet need in India 4 are from Odisha. Similarly if we will compare the institutional delivery rate of 2008, it was 66% and in 2010, it was 80.9% and 86.9% in 2012 also increased (Sourse, DHS-2).
A study published in reproductive health journal in june 2015 in below website
During post partum period, women are having high unmet need for family planning,means most women wish to delay or prevent future pregnancies but not using any method and it is highest amongst women below the age of 20 years.
If counselling during ANC and during post partum period will be provided to most of the women, Post partum family planning will increase and also Contraceptive prevalence rate will increase accordingly.
So, I hope PPFP method use among postpartum women with high unmet need will increase Contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR).