Consciousness is best defined as "our mode of access."

All living creatures themselves are best characterized as having "an inside," "an outside," and a semiperiable barrier separting (sort of) the two -- across which active processes (e.g. initally metabolism: anabolism and catabolism) are at work in all living creatures to bring the "right stuff" in and push "the other stuff" out. The above is true for all living things from the tiniest/simplist to the most complex (and this stucture is lacking in things to do not live).

And the "outside" has a "horizonal" structure - there is no defined border - there is always "more/other" that lies beyond. More complex and "advanced" creatures have, pragmatically, an "expanded horizon" (although as some features are gained - other -- eg smell in the case of humans -- do not develop and are even lost -- so there is always "more" or "different." Hence, for us humans - in all sorts of ways our consiousness - our access - can be expanded, contracted, distorted, focused, etc.

But the bottom line holds: CONSCIOUSNESS IS OUR MODE OF ACCESS.

(I will add that in addition to our human "expanded horizon of meaning" we all must "reduce complexity" to make sense of it all... All work for our brain and body... Hence the default state of everyday consiousness is practical and incomplete. But it does get us through the day... And... there is ... always MORE and OTHER....)

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