As part of our Knowledge School program, a meeting on "Communities and Collaboration for Knowledge Management" with Stan Garfield an experienced knowledge management practitioner was held. The meeting was held on 8 Dec. to articulate the functionalities of communities for KM. The meeting was held at Knowledge and Information Science Department, Tarbiat Modares university as a blended meeting. Many Dr Stan Garfield joined us via teleconferencing system and our master and PhD students also participated at the event. After I introduced the meeting, KM PhD candidate, Ms Mila Malekolkalami, spoke about the importance of knowledge management and the role of collaborations through communities based on Stan's recent paper on "Establishing a collaboration process to bolster knowledge management". He proposed a 3-phase process as following: 1. Define and enforce a collaboration policy for how teams are to collaborate. 2. Implement a collaboration process for project teams. 3. Discourage team collaboration from taking place outside the team space. It was very interactive event with quality questions from audiences and answers from Stan. I appreciate all people participated in our meeting.
I would like to have your comments on the topic!