01 January 1970 11 220 Report

Climate Summit COP27 taking place. In COP26 Glasgow took lace last year, and it was wasted time, mere pretence of political leaders on this Climate Solution Topic.

All "mere go round" like, going on and on, with talk no action let alone appropriate essential action.

Now back again on 3 points. About acknowledgment of the loss and damage, yes, and I strongly urge not to give out compensation funds out, to underdeveloped countries, instead to take on the task to work on the essential solution, mitigation and necessary adaptation, on the Climate Solution Task.

There small funds were given out and their regional/state corrupt leaders pocketed them out, left the damages to be worsen.

We need a team work, responsibility, I have explained in my book Action Plan Climate Solution, and in the joint plan proposal on Methane project. We have invited, and shared our proposed solution with world's political leaders and their collaboration bodies already.


Fatema Miah


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