well, there are some equipment that can serve to your cause but you can do it without these just with the calculation ; i mean its far easier to calculate amount of your Carbon dioxide generator fuel or anything that you use as requirement , then you can use chemical formulas to generate amount of your generated CO(2) in periods that your research does need, if its need to semi constant calculation direct will be so hard to be done you can use GCH-2018 of Lutron Elc. , Taiwan.
If you have access to a FT-IR instrument you should be able to perform continuous, sensitive CO2 measurements fairly easily. A FT-IR can detect CO2 at extremely low concentrations. The IR has a very large peak around 2300 cm–1 that corresponds to the antisymmetric CO2 stretching mode. Integrating this will provide a means to quantitatively determine CO2.
If there is not a continuous flow you will need to connect the discharge gas to a cell with compatible IR windows (CaF, NaCl ) and a regulated, controlled gas flow eg. (N2) to sweep the CO2 from the source through the IR gas cell.
How can I measure CO2 released from a photocatalytic reaction in organic solvent (TOC measurement, and mass balance doesn't works)?. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/post/How_can_I_measure_CO2_released_from_a_photocatalytic_reaction_in_organic_solvent_TOC_measurement_and_mass_balance_doesnt_works [accessed Jul 29, 2017].
Article Mineralization as a mechanism for TOC removal: Study of ozon...
Connect the outlet of your system by a capillary with a glass burette containing NaCl water solution. The entering gas will remove same volume of the liquid. If you will scale the burette before measurement you can continously read the volume.