Quite an interesting article and there is much logic in it.
I can add only a few nuances to it. In societies, where growth of population is needed, women have more "value", but it is not a complete synonym to "respect". Because they are mostly valued as mothers and have rights to give birth to the children and raise them. It has nothing in common with modern feminist concept of women rights.
Killing girls in poor countries (as well as killing widow) is not always a sign of disrespect. It is just the best way to control population (the quantity of children depends on the quantity of females in population, not males). So the cultures develop myths as an excuse of killing women. Sometimes it is shown as honorable sacrifice. And don't forget that the quantity of men at the same time is effectively controlled by wars.
Homosexual life of men cannot ruin traditional family only in traditional society, so now the situation has changed (gay marriages). But your remark about past sounds right.
In general I agree that women rights increase in societies where women can easy provide food/money for themselves and their children.
I found it difficult to read because it was interspersed with Polish text. I suggest you produce a Polish document, and publish that, then have it translated by a native English speaker and distribute that document on its own.
Thank you for your answers very much especialy Anna Boshenko. Anna if you read in Polish I suggest you to read on Researchgate my book entitled Historia naturalna i zmiany klimatu. There is my all knowledge of our world.