The properties will show its location with GPS readings. Its seen at Gujarat coast, INDIA. Usually seen commonly with zoanthids (My research organisms)
In pic one you have orange sponges and a gorgonian coral. I don't know the species unfortunately as more lab work is needed to identify to species level.
I am working on Zoanthids and these were seen along with them.... While referencing I came across Bryozoa association with zoanthids. therefore I am now confused.
The green patches are surely sponges. I agree that they seem to be from the genus Aaptos, but to know for sure you should follow B.W. Hoeksema's advice and take the samples to a specialist in your area. It seems to me that your organisms are in a tide pool. Is that correct?
Thank you so much for your reply. Yes they are in the tide pools.
However, we do not have any specific specialized researcher for poriferan identification and therefore I found this to be the best place to share my observation.
I am planning for a Post Doc in taxonomy only for this reason that we do not have a complete taxonomic list of the marine species.