I am working with estimating tree size (dbh) and density from small sample plots using photos. I was hoping to get some feedback on sampling design and the number of plots I need to do within a given stand of trees. Namely the type of survey (clustered or probability proportional to size) and whether I should be focused on sampling a certain amount of area, or a certain number of trees. Density estimates are the primary information I require but if I could get good data on the varying size classes of trees, that would be good too. Should I set thresholds in the photo set to only measure trees within a certain distance from the camera (so that my sample size is fixed) or count and measure a certain number of trees in the sample irrespective of distance from the camera (irregular plot size, but still able to be calculated)? Once this is defined, how many samples should I do per hectare? In my test samples I get 15-20 trees per sample but am willing to amend the way the photo sets are taken to get fixed areas, or varying numbers of trees.

Ultimately I would like to compare these measurements to other contemporary methods of measurement but realise this would require a different statistical approach.

I am weak in stats so very simple explanations or references with examples would be preferred.

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