Hello. I would like to ask for examples of research topics related to entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership, corporate or business? The topic needs to use secondary data. Thank you so much for your time.
all the topics he mentions are very broad, it all depends on your research interests. could inquire about entrepreneurship strategies applied worldwide in the education sector. I would recommend doing a search in scopus. you can also in the case of entrepreneurship take into account the GEM report, globalenterpriseship
These topics you've mentioned are quite broad. However, if you want surface information that could help you draw a topic, kindly tilt your mind to Entrepreneur financing, and strategies (Marketing, Management/business).
You can also look at entrepreneurial leadership. For innovation, how about you research the process/or technological innovation of a particular sector or industry?
You can tie all this to either financial performance, internationalization, or corporate growth using years of operation as moderating variable.
There are several topics to study using secondary data. For example, you can study entrepreneurship using World Bank data, specifically in the informal sector.
Loayza, N. V. (2016). Informality in the Process of Development and Growth. The World Economy, 39(12), 1856-1916.
Ault, J. K., & Spicer, A. (2020). The formal institutional context of informal entrepreneurship: A cross-national, configurational-based perspective. Research Policy, 104160.
In the case of international Business:
You can use UNCTAD-published data for FDI.
Hansen, H., & Rand, J. (2006). On the causal links between FDI and growth in developing countries. World Economy, 29(1), 21-41.
Innovation: You could use the global innovation index.
Dutta, S., Lanvin, B., & Wunsch-Vincent, S. (2019). The global innovation index 2017. Cornell University, INSEAD, & WIPO (Eds.), Global innovation index, 1-39.
Sohn, S. Y., Kim, D. H., & Jeon, S. Y. (2016). Re-evaluation of global innovation index based on a structural equation model. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 28(4), 492-505.
Most frequently, researchers develop questions that they want answered designing a study around the questions. In secondary data analysis, the data speaks to the researcher. What does the dataset contain? How was it collected? Was a survey used? If a survey was used, then what did the survey inquire about. If you are looking at data from an electronic medical record, what and how is the data collected? Most importantly, is the data or dataset available.
Usually while writing review articles, we can use secondary data.
I had pursued my Ph.D. on maintenance of continuity of professional careers. At that time, I had written a review article on researches pursued on this area or related areas. That article was based on secondary data.
All topics with historical data or time series can be suitable. See topic with this nature; Customers trend in banking industry, change of customer interests, brand shift, etc...
Dear Alex, It is an interesting Q. You might find multifactorial information here on some material behind the all different ways of entrepreneurship and all 6 classic archetypes. (www.entrepreneurprofiletest.com)
You can study changing trends in investment and sectoral pattern in small and medium industries in your country over last 10 years. This will be immensely useful to every body including government . choose how the amount of investment changed every year over last 10 years, share of venture or angel funds in it type of products and services group wise and total contribution to economy meaning turnover. You can analyses factors that are behind such changes
You would have to start from the existing problem or where all types of activities are traditional and introduce creativity and innovation with leadership of changes in processes, in production or services in the area, of course with the existing secondary data as background.
Some examples of research topics include the impact of innovation on firm performance, the role of leadership in organizational change, and the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic growth