We invite you to contribute to a special Environmental Science: Nano (ES: Nano) themed issue on Modelling in Environmental Nanotechnology. This themed issue will include a set of papers presenting state-of-the-art models for the fate, behavior, exposure, uptake and toxicity of engineered and natural nanomaterials in the environment and in organisms. This will include a wide range of model types and scales for environmental and biological processes affecting nanomaterial behavior and effects. Review papers on the state of the science for particular model subsets, e.g. computational toxicology or toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic modelling are also desired.

We hope that you will be able to accept this invitation. The submission deadline for this collection is 15th March 2015. Please note that all submitted manuscripts will still be subject to peer review in accordance with the journal’s quality standards.

Remember, ES: Nano has no page charges or limits and publishes colour at no cost. All content published during 2015 is free to access*, ensuring maximum visibility for your work. Our professional editorial team offer an efficient service, with publication times averaging approximately 100 days from receipt to acceptance of new manuscripts. For a full list of benefits to publishing with us, please see our blog.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,

Guest Editors:

Mohammed Baalousha,

University of South Carolina

Jamie Lead,

University of South Carolina

Panos G. Georgopoulos,

Rutgers University

Dave Spurgeon,

Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

and Environmental Science: Nano Associate Editor:

Gregory V. Lowry

Carnegie Mellon University

[email protected]

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