Hydroxychloroquine was touted as a wonder drug in the early part of the pandemic based on a small non-randomized study and hyped by political endorsement.However, a number of articles in the peer-reviewed literature over the last several months have consistently and convincingly demonstrated the lack of efficacy of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19.
initially they found it working but when they provided Hydroxychloroquine with azithromicin (Brazil) there were some positive results however, samples were not actually uniform and no control over the outcomes and adversity reporting initially several related research paper have appeared for beneficial effect as it partially provide some protection against COVID-19 and there was requirement to use two drugs are used sequentially instead of concomitantly. for adversity monitoring person doctor is required as it was associated cardiac adversity additionally pregnant ladies can not take without proper guidance. These were drugs in use and there was a lot of time left for any vaccine to come in market therefore such drugs were used and tested in emergency now COVID -19 is a regular feature therefore new targeted approaches are being worked out