01 January 1970 17 4K Report

Last years a have an arising question based on my experience from different academic and scientific activities. The contemporary humanism, obviously very good and peaceful, including everybody, is more and more changing its approach towards a truth as to something that actually equals consensus of a largest possible (inclusive and democratic) group. It seems so, that we have somehow forgotten a mission or quest of the past centuries, that there IS some Truth and we are to discover it or at least come one step closer than our predecessors. Now, we tend to be more and more satisfied with "having OUR truth" about something, actually a mere consensus in particular group. We are a bit confusing this consensual semi-truth with the general truth (not speaking about Truth as eternal spirit or even person). In humanities it is as usually more visible. The theory of firm Truth is understood as something "ideological" and thereby dangerous, potentially threatening by some kind of mis-use in the service of political party or religious authority. Are we still able to know this? Or is the comfortable consensus already here as "the truth"? Is it SUSTAINABLE?

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