You can surely grow this material under Ar pressure instead of vaccuum. However, if you want to decrease the evaporation of Te, for example, it will be only a rather short time, much less than the growth process. For this purpose it will be better to add an amount of volotile component, corresponding to dissosiatin pressure above your material at the melt temperature you choose.
Before giving the answer to your question. Will you clear about the bisuth telluride, which is this material? You are using which method for this material growth.
Normally, it is better to grow high order single crystal in medium vacuum. I will answer the scientific reason after your clarification.
We will grow this crystal in vertical bridgeman technique. Bismuth terlluride is a chalchogenides thermoelectric material. Dear Sir, Please let me know what else information you want to answer?
The many extremely high order bulk single crystals of Sb-based semiconductors (III-V) have been grown using the new vertical directional solidification process (VDS-process). VDS-process is pragmatic for the exceptionally reactive materials such as III-V, II-VI groups of materials. Yours question's answer is in this process. The all papers since 1993 are available on ResearchGate. You search, if needed, my information online as Dr D B Gadkari. For further help you may send your contact information. -- Good luck !!