Since technologies are growing and influence young learners, a secondary electronic material for teachers was developed further for them.
By preparing a lecture with a multimedia material such as video or song, teachers are now able to captive easily their intention and engage them by learning with amusement. Among other things, that is an easier way to manage the class by forming class groups, intercommunication between students and teachers strongly increased due to technology used.
Compared to a traditional textbook, ebook can be seen as a new digital learning for developing creative and original sens. Most of schools and training centers are from now on equipped with ebooks to share resources online and assess upcoming exams. Though teaching technics differ compared to a traditional class, different factors must be ensure: classroom management, classroom preparation, language analysis, behavioral aspects, classroom kit.
Overall, textbook will remain a traditional way of teaching with its paper print version combining a curriculum of a detailed grammar with multiple exercises. Perceived as a new way of engaging students, ebook can reluct some parts from a traditional book and emphasis the teaching skills with amusement.
ebooks are environmentally friendly, economically friendly, lightweight (no heavy backpacks!) and no bookcase storage is needed! On the other hand, it can be a challenge to switch to ebooks from hard copy books. I hear this from students a lot. When I first started reading digitally it felt off to me. I forced myself to keep doing it and now I prefer ebooks. I have a theory that I had retrain a part of my brain to read ebooks. Once I did that, it was easy and convenient! However, younger students that grew up reading digitally seem to not have this problem and prefer ebooks.