Vibrations can help healing
Vibration–whether in the form of words or song–moves us deeply.
According to cellular biologist and author, Bruce Lipton, our environments (the amalgam of all vibration, including thought) determine how we function at the genetic level, which resources are tapped, which are discarded or repressed.
Lipton’s research found that DNA–amazingly–was not “fixed” as almost everyone had previously thought, but that the proteins would find a variety of expressions depending on their environments–both physical and emotional.
From his research, he concluded that little about us was immutable. In fact, he contends with conviction that thought itself–belief, emotion, and perception–is the variable that determines how genes express themselves.
Words–while seemingly “only” sound–are actually conveyors of thought. One word conjures forth a multitude of images of feelings: “Ocean,” “Breeze,” “Fireplace,” “Mommy.” Those images and feelings, in turn, call on a cascade of chemistry that literally alters the most fundamental physiologic responses: bleeding, autoimmunity, blood pressure, peristalsis, inflammation. There is no biological process that does not vibrate along, for ill or good.
That is the basis of Verbal First Aid and the reason why it is so powerful.