Description/ Type of data : a composite plot consisting of 2 ternary diagrams where the cations of interest are plotted against the anions of interest (data is normalized to 100%); sides form a binary plot of total cation vs. total anion concentrations (this plot can be contoured); expanded version includes TDS (mg/L) and pH data added to the sides of the binary plot to allow further comparisons.
Use: to graphically illustrate cation/anion concentrations, relative to TDS and pH.
For example, using Griffy Lake samples IC and AAS data, we can plot the ion concentrations, then calculate the TDS from our specific conductivity field measurements, and use the pH field measurements. Because we sampled at several locations (i.e. causeway, pond, etc.), we can use those as data groups to see if there are any spatial variations in water chemistry , and if so, could they be related to a different TDS content, different pH, or both.
Example case studies:
Vermeulen, P., and Usher, B., 2009, The effect of graben structures on the migration of groundwater contaminants at an industrial site: Environmental Geology, 58:739-749.
Different water chemistry in aquifers on the opposite sides of graben structures
Petalas, C.P., and Diamantis, I.B., 1999, Origin and distribution of saline groundwaters in the upper Miocene aquifer system, coastal Rhodope area, northeastern Greece: Hydrogeology Journal, 7:305-316.
Variations in ionic compositions of saline vs. fresh water
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El análisis debe realizarse SIN los solidos disuelto y estandarizados a pH 7 y 20"C.
En esas condiciones el estudio es fácil con el sistema de Maucha que contempla las 8 iones principales. El programa "Cicles" (lopez Armengol . Barcelona) permite las correcciones adecuadas (el programa es abierto y gratuito).
Análisis mas complejos pueden hacerse con PCA, ver entre mis publicaciones "Subtle relationships,,,,,,,"..............Dr. Sergio E. Gómez