The following literature may be useful for your research
This application note describes methods for determining adsorption isotherms using PreDictor 96-well filter platesa and Assist software. PreDictor filter plates are designed for screening conditions for chromatography processdevelopment, while Assist software supports multivariatedesign of experiments and evaluation of collected data interms of mass balance, adsorption isotherm estimation, and different types of plots
Ref:Adsorption equilibrium isotherm studies using a high-throughput
As suggested in the reply by Singh, I too recommend you to use the Solver functionality in spreadsheets. In addition to Excel, you can do the same work in the spreadsheets from free open software like Libreoffice ( or Gnumeric (, for example.
In all cases, one uses Solver to optimize the values of parameters of a fitting equation such that the sum of square differences between experimental and calculated value of the function is minimal. That is, one does a least-squares fitting of the function (for example, an adsorption isotherm) to the experimental values.
A very good guide to use Solver for fitting equations to given -usually experimental- values of a quantity is given in:
Kemmer, G., & Keller, S. (2010). Nonlinear least-squares data fitting in Excel spreadsheets. Nature protocols, 5(2), 267-281.
There it is also explained a way of estimating the uncertainties of the best-fitting values of parameters.
you can try the software "octave", which is an open access software. You can plot your function and change the parameters. You would get an impression how the parameters influence your equation.
This can be solved using linear and nonlinear regression analysis. I am adding few articles that might help you. Alongside Solver tool in excel you also can use MATLAB, in which you can do it by curve fitting tool.
Please verify the correctness of your equation. I think that the term 1/qm is missing in the second term on the right side of proposed equation - if Langmuir adsorption isotherm was used to fit the experimental data.
Bercic, please we are trying to see whether something good can come from the equation.You can generate data and try it. It cannot stand here to get you data.
There is something similar called Adejo-Ekwenchi isotherm which I formulated and tested and it has not only been published but has been used with other results. You may wish to see our publications under my page within this community.