Protective immunity is required for BCG vaccine from the early stage of life. Micobacterium tuberculosis is a fatal bacterial and new borne are susceptible to any infection therefore, most f the vaccine are given after birth. BCG vaccine works only for 10 years as there is a problem in memory cells to recall immunity against TB bacteria therefore, booster dose after 10 years doesn't work. That is why most of the people catch TB infections even after vaccination in their life (problem in developing countries).
There is no BCG vaccine for adults. Chemotherapy is available for patients but its not effective against resistant bacteria. More research is in process (novel vaccines againsy BCG) and hope we would find better in near future. For more details, you can contact with scientists in Stanes Serum Inst, Southern Univ of Denmark.
Rotavirus vaccine is not given after 8 months because most cases of intussusception occurring as adverse event occurred when rota vaccine was given to older children ( as catch-up vaccination). However, recent studies have shown that removing the age window does not cause as many intussusception deaths when compared to rotavirus diarrhea deaths that result if older children are not immunized. So some are recommending that the age window be overlooked in populations with high mortality.
BCG can be given to older children if prior mantoux test shows nil exposure but the dose will increase from 0.05 to 0.1ml. Only given after a negative mantoux test.
Pertussis vaccine is contraindicated in children with convulsions because convulsion is a known side effect of pertussis vaccine
The strategy with the vaccine with rotavirus is an competition in the intestine beteween strain of vaccine and the wild strain, this must be used very earlier.