I'm writing my thesis and in order to explain the different polymers used, I would like to group them by "types" or "classes" (with similar chemical structure of the elemental unit and properties).

The polymers I'm talking about are:

Polysulfone (PSU), Polyphenylsulfone (PPSU), Polyethersulfone (PES) and Polyetehersulfone with Cardo group (PES-C). (See attached file)

Although I've found that Blanco et.al. and Yamagishi et.al. consider these polymers to belong to the same class, they differ in the name given to the "family".

So, I'm not really sure if:

(1) it is correct to group them

and, in case it is,

(2) which would be the correct name of the "family": poly(arylsulfones), polysulfones... ?

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