15 November 2019 3 8K Report

I need some advice about my statistical analysis tool i have used for my research. It is for a university project that I am doing and so far i have had no luck in finding the answer to my question.

1) my research is to identify what the physicians current expectations are and how that compares to their actual experience of  the role of clinical pharmacists in general practice. 2) i used a 2-part questionnaire method using a 5-point likert scale to identify the physicians current expectations (questionnaire 1) and actual experience (questionnaire -2) of the role of clinical pharmacist in general practice. There are 22-statements and the questions are the same for both parts.  3) all the physicians are expected to fill both parts of the questionnaire therefore it is a single group/population. 3) i was wondering if the wilcoxen-signed rank test/ wilcoxen-t test is a reliable method for evaluating if there is a statistically significant difference between current expectations and actual experience. I understand that likert scales use ordinal data and non-parametric analysis is more accurate. although ordinal data is categorical in some circumstances it can be treated as continuous data.  In analysing the data i proposed....  - likert = strongly disagree(1), disagree(2), undecided(3), agree(4), strongly agree (5) - population number is 377 - 2-part questionnaire - random sampling technique. - results tabulate the number of participants that strongly disagree, diagree, undecided, agree, strongly agree. - the median is calculated for each of the above categories. (this is done for both current expectations and current experiences) - the wilcoxen-signed rank test compares the experience and expectation for each category separately  4) my question - is this the correct analytical tool? if not then what test/analytical tool should i be using and why?  5) finally if it is not possible to compare the data, how could i rephrase my research question so that i do not have to start all over again. I am currently at a standstill with this and i spoke to my lecturer but she was uncertain of my method

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