I wish to test the environmental sustainability of a region. Can i use on pollution indicators such as air pollution, water pollution, soil, noise etc.
I have selected for you a list of impact publications with your topic of study.
The first article is very complete, in terms of the number of indicators. The rest of the works are the most cited, worldwide, with the topic of "environmental sustainability and indicators".
Kwatra, S., Kumar, A., & Sharma, P. (2020). A critical review of studies related to construction and computation of sustainable development indices. Ecological Indicators, 112 doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.106061
Al-Salem, S. M., Lettieri, P., & Baeyens, J. (2009). Recycling and recovery routes of plastic solid waste (PSW): A review. Waste Management, 29(10), 2625-2643. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.06.004
Kennedy, C., Pincetl, S., & Bunje, P. (2011). The study of urban metabolism and its applications to urban planning and design. Environmental Pollution, 159(8-9), 1965-1973. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2010.10.022
Moldan, B., Janoušková, S., & Hák, T. (2012). How to understand and measure environmental sustainability: Indicators and targets. Ecological Indicators, 17, 4-13. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.04.033
Parris, T. M., & Kates, R. W. (2003). Characterizing and measuring sustainable development doi:10.1146/annurev.energy.28.050302.105551 Retrieved from www.scopus.com
Wagg, C., Bender, S. F., Widmer, F., & Van Der Heijden, M. G. A. (2014). Soil biodiversity and soil community composition determine ecosystem multifunctionality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111(14), 5266-5270. doi:10.1073/pnas.1320054111
The word “ONLY” basically will make this impractical or impossible. For example, fecal coliform is a good indicator of warm blooded species pollution, but it does not help determine if there is Guardia or Chryptosporidium issues. Dr. Murray perhaps said it best. That is not to say that indicators might be useful. If there are dead fish and plants, takeover by invasive species, high increases of health issues, sea level rise with flooding and salt water intrusion, frequent severe wildfires for examples, it is pretty evident there are sustainability issues.
Poorvi... There is a specific topic in environmental science termed... "Environmental Site Assessment". It represents a systematic approach to study certain location . It consists of 3 stages. The first involves documenting the various places within the site, photography, videos, interviews with people (working or residents) in the site or the neighborhood, making maps or the distribution of most polluted locations, assessing historical as well as reports or documents from the site and all this must be accompanied with GPS to make it easy for the next stage to be performed. Stage one report should then be evaluated by certain authorities and experts to decide if the site worth detailed study (Stage II) or not. The second stage is the Sampling and analysis of the collected samples for the possible pollutants. You may also need to dig some monitoring wells within the site to be sure whether or not the pollution reached the underground water. The results must be approved to the decision makers to specify going to the third (Final Stage) or not. . The 3rd stage is the Remediation of the site and the removal of the pollutants. There must be a budget to carry out the 2nd and 3rd stages..... SO it is not simply ONLY pollution indicators.
Yes, you can use many indicators indicators for testing the environment sustainability of any region.Firstly environmental pollution indicators which it depend on the change in ecosystem and environmental parameters (water, air and soil).
There are four types of Pollution control : legal, social, economical, and technological measures, which help to prevent pollution by various methods of operations. Waste products enter the environment in various forms and threaten the quality of the air, land, and water.
Yes.You can use many indicators for testing the environment sustainability . Air, water soil noise pollution are very important pollution indicators.
In addition ,you can get more information regarding the environment sustainability through the " Environmental Impact Assessment procedure" and "Initial Environmental Examination procedure " which indicate the way of mitigation measures against negative environmental impacts due to the vast development activities.Under these procedures ,there is a monitoring programme including all relevant stockholders to monitor the pollution indicators for environment sustainability.Public in the area can also be involved .