I need to know if I can use GROMACS instead of LAMMPS for my undergraduate thesis wherein I will generate phase diagrams of copolymers using FTS. Thank you so much!
Max Tolentino You can use CHARMM-GUI to generate GROMACS input files for polymer simulations. Take a look at this link: http://www.charmm-gui.org/?doc=input/polymer
Peyman Aminpour Good day, Sir! Thank you so much for your response! It's been difficult writing my thesis proposal since we have no background in molecular dynamics, yet a computational thesis is all we can produce due to the quarantine.
From what I've understood upon reading the tutorial in the link you've sent, there is already a coarse-graining simulation happening in the background once you generate polymer models? Since CHARMM-GUI MARTINI Maker is not yet applicable with polymers?