Yes, you can use Google Earth Engine (GEE) to extract precipitation data from the MCD05_L2 MODIS product. The MCD05_L2 MODIS product provides precipitation estimates on a global scale with a temporal resolution of 8 days.
To extract precipitation data from the MCD05_L2 MODIS product in GEE, you will need to:
Access the MCD05_L2 MODIS product in GEE by searching for the dataset in the GEE data catalog.
Apply any necessary filters to select the specific time period of interest.
Use the GEE JavaScript API to extract the precipitation data and export it to a file format of your choice.
Alternatively, you can use the pre-built precipitation layers in GEE like CHIRPS or TRMM, which are based on the MCD05_L2 MODIS product, to access the precipitation data.
Note: These are the general steps, specific implementation may vary depending on the use case and the end goal of the analysis.