I was carrying out a study on perceptions of drought effects by farmers as influenced by their production environments. Production environments were my predictors and then I ranked drought impacts as scores. That is, respondents would score from 1 to 5 according to severity of impact: EFFECT Rank (1 to 5)

Water shortage

Feed shortage

Heat stress

Cattle mortality

My model was:

The effect of production environment on number of different classes of cattle lost to drought and rank scores for breed preferences, challenges to cattle production, reasons for loss of cattle, severity of drought components, severity of the effects of drought components on cattle production, grazing management problems during drought, types of parasite prevalent during droughts and breed susceptibility to drought were determined using PROC GLM SAS (2008). The model used was:

Yij=µ +EiI+ ɛij


Yij= response variable (number of cattle lost to drought; rank scores for: severity of the effects of drought attributes on cattle production, severity of the effects of drought on cattle, grazing management problems during drought, types of parasite prevalent during droughts and breed susceptibility to drought)

µ = mean common to all observations;

Ei= effect of production environment (sub-humid areas ; semi-arid areas);

ɛij= residual error ~ N (0; Iσ2).

[MC1]Sounds wrong…some variables are discontinuous.

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