If the catalyst contains different metal oxide. Then is it possible to know exact weight percentage of the metals? If not, then what is the exact technique to know that percentage?
You can get the atomic percentage and the weight percentage of the metals using EDS, however, when the metals have similar atomic numbers, the EDS peaks could overlap. That will result in inaccurate measurement of the atomic/weight percentage. In order to get more accurate results you could use the electron microprobe in which wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (WDS) is used rather than energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS).
With energy-dispersive X-ray photon analysis quantitative results are more difficult to achieve. Better is WDX. wavelength dispersive analysis. With WDX you measure first the intensity of your electron beam with a Faraday cup. Then you calibrate the response of the equipment by measuring one or more standards. Then you measure you sample with the same beam intensity. there is still on major problem. Accurate elemental analysis with X-photons in the electron microscope needs samples with a specular flar surface.