The situation is little different. We can talk further once I start this work. However, I request you kindly to share the full paper. My e.mail i.d. is [email protected].
We have an experimental studies showing precisely that: crystallisation of magnetite (and other Fe-Ti oxides) will extract PGE+Au+Ag from the silicate melt as nanonuggets and then further crystallisation will coarsen them to micrometre-scale minerals. No sulfide is required.
Article Experimental observations on noble metal nanonuggets and Fe-...
Thanks Michael for your answer. The magnetite body shows assemblage of PGE and gold. The prospect is good and there is a need of total experimentation.
Stella intrusion at South Africa is a good example. See: Maier et al. 2003. Pt-Pd reefs in magnetitites of the Stella layered intrusion, South Africa: A world of new exploration opportunities for platinum group elements. Geology; October 2003; v. 31; no. 10; p. 885–888;