Part 1. Preamble Despite the successes of research in the field of occurrence of cancer mutations, DNA decoding, search of "bad" and "good" genes, increasing level the arsenal of drugs, scientists have not decided the key problems of cancer associated with its early diagnosis and treatment. Isolated positive results can not meet doctors and patients around the world. Cancer is a leading cause of death in the world - in 2012 was 8.2 million deaths from cancer. Without a stable theoretical framework and summarizing the conceptual foundation for the problem of cancer is not possible to effectively conduct its diagnosis and treatment. Unfortunately, even the growth of research activity will not be able to resolve this issue without creating a systemic understanding of the mechanism of formation of cancerous mutations and the development of this process. Solution to the problem must lie in the plane of a clear idea of why the body does not "see" the new tissue, cells, which begin to grow out of control, and we call it - CANCER? Cancer - is a general term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. Other terms used are malignant tumors and neoplasms. Defining feature of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries, and which can then invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs. We share a common concern of leading scientists, physicians and our patients and would like to offer participation in the discussion for everyone, who interested in the problem, with the hope of finding a common platform and framework to solve the problem in the scientific community, in the person of like-minded colleagues to continue their own research, and the arguments to express their own point of view. On the terminology in the discussion In this discussion, I ask my colleagues to "forget for a time" about of existing terminology, and we also will try to avoid the accepted scientific abbreviations (such as MHC, HLA, etc.), As well as will not use special scientific names used for special or particular case for receptors, biomarkers, DNA and other. It seems to me particularly important "to speak clearly" and simple. This is doubly important when the problem is not completely solved, the theory is "a raw", when there is no general plan and solutions. Today, the scientific community, which is interested in the solution to this problem, included specialists in various areas of knowledge and skills from top professionals experimenters to young scientists. In this situation easier to deal, which submitted in general terms and understandable to everyone. We ask to use in discussion understandable large characters, patterns and examples, avoiding not always clear notions without unclear definition. Nevertheless, the position of the authors in the discussion should not be oversimplify. It should not be simplified so, that it was not possible to understand. What is this? The author should clarify own position if is the assumption desired but unrealized assumption or is it really established scientific fact, the result of an experiment or a confirmed event in the framework of scientific research. Introduction. Thesis №1. The living body with support of the immune system of the own organism is able to precisely maintain of the permanence of own genic structure, by means of monitoring, search and destroy «Strangers” (stranger of a genetic information). Who are the "Strangers"? Offered: - "Strangers" – this, it means are any external or internal agents or objects contains within itself the information, which the immune system of the individual perceives as a antagonistic, and ready to respond and to react to it so that they were revealed, detected and destroyed inside the organism. "External" strangers "- who are they?" "External" strangers" - it's all external antagonistic Agents - ("The enemies" with another antigenic structure, than the organism"). In the first place - it is alien microbes, viruses and protozoa. "External" strangers" are may be: organs or tissues - transplants, blood, biological tissue, cells, a substance of chemical compounds, agents and objects of biological or biological origin. The immune system of each individual is capable of precisely detected they, and after identify to respond to such external penetration into your body, this is the "invasion" - "externals invasion". Result of external invasion is an antigen - antibody reactions. The character and manifestations of the reactions can be varied in strength and time effects. Generally, with the more pronounced difference between information of the genetic codes, "external code" of the "stranger" and "internal code" of the body, the faster, more aggressive and the duration may be the response of a living system of the individual to the external invasion. Almost all organisms are evolutionarily adapted and ready to identify and destroy "stranger" - (external antigenic enemies) with all the force of their adaptive-protective reactions, maintaining constant antigenic structures inside your body. A classic example is the acute infectious disease. "Internal "strangers" - whether there is a "they" and who is "they"? Tissue cells of the body have a certain life cycle. This cycle is shorter and it does not coincide with the cycle of life of the body and the entire organism of the owner. In each organ and tissue of the individual during of the all life constantly going processes of cell regeneration and death (the phenomenon of cell regeneration and apoptosis). At any given time in the internal environment of the body some of the cells must be born again, and some part must be torn away. Bodies grow and change shape, structure and grow old together with the host. The life cycle of cells in each tissue are different in length. For example, the normal life cycle of the erythrocyte 100-120 days, and hepatocyte can live from 54 to 400 days. After the end of the life cycle of the cell must be destroyed by the immune system of the body. So it becomes the cell will be a "stranger" to the body and destroyed them (utilized within the body). The organism thus supports persistence of organ and tissue structures to ensure its vital functions. Therefore we can say that the internal "stranger" is "his owns". But in time the cell became "strangers" and the antigenic structure of this cells will be "stranger" in the body's own tissues, because ceased its life cycle and their intended function. They will be destroyed - "recycled" within the body . The process of regeneration and cell death in the body began with the birth of the body does not stop during the life. That part of the immune system that is responsible for this makes a great job, it is quite comparable to that part of the immune system, which is responsible for the fight against external "strangers", and maybe even exceed it in importance and intensity. The process of destroying internal "stranger" is likely "disposal-utilization" of their own cells and tissues, which occurs within the body and the organism's reaction to the process is other than the reaction of the organism's systems to an external "invasion". At physiological condition with constant level of metabolic processes, not exceeding the physiological fluctuations, the reaction of the organism are not aggressive, not accompanied by disorders of life support systems, no requiring additional intervention of adaptive-compensatory mechanisms. Certainly, the reaction of the body depends on the amount of internal antigenic material, which is designed to "destruction" - utilization. Because this is directly related to the level of regeneration processes and update the cell, the tissue or organ. In severe external conditions of life, injuries, traumas and wounds of systemic disorders in the inner antigenic level of the organism can lead to serious consequences and the death of the organism. The organism itself is capable of destroying the inside. Examples will be include the aging and somatic non-infectious diseases. Thesis №2 Immunity - immune system consists of internal and external elements of protection: - External element of the protection are support permanence of its internal antigenic structures, by means of monitoring, search and destroy external antagonistic antigenic invasions, which can penetrate in the body from the outside; - Inner element of the protection are the control, support, and if necessary destruction, utilization or recycle its own antigenic structures of cell, tissues and organs within the body, keeping and supporting them constancy and the variety in structures, compositions and functions. The author's position on the thesis. Internal and external elements of the protection of the body - links in a single chain genetic protection of the individual organism, which are realized through the mediation of the immune system. Examples are a classic case of the antigen-antibody or autoantigen-autoantibody. External element in the body's defense does not have continuous and a full maximal activity. The implementation of the protection function is carried out "on demand". The maximal full activation of the external level of protection of the body originate in case of invasion into the body "stranger" antagonistic antigenic information. This process accompanied by strong signs of the organism's reaction with involvement in the response of the body's life-support systems and the mobilization of urgent adaptation mechanisms. External element in protecting the organism studied well enough, to some extent it can be identified with the existing concepts of immunity and implementation mechanisms of the immune system of the body. Internally element the protect of the body is under constant load. The realization of genetic programs in the organism are located under control of the immune system, which implemented permanently. Under physiological conditions, this work unit is not accompanied by disorders of body functions and includes a deferred compensation arrangements. The increase activity in the inner protection's element may occur when failure occurs of the internal regenerative process. The antigenic disruption in the compensatory mechanisms of the body spring up in times of his adverse existence and heavy external impacts on the organism. Internal elements of the protection of the organism is investigated not enough, but to some extent its can be identified with the existing concepts of autoimmunity and autoimmune mechanisms for implementing the functions of the body. To be continued…

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