Ofcourse not. It a technical change just like how calculator introduced in maths; by using calculator we saved the time and energy. So similarly AI is preventing us from additional efforts that eat out our time and energy. so AI language teaching will not make any blindness in learning rather it would promote the creativity.
This is an interesting question. I will keep this in mind for the action research project I am engaged with currently. From what we have found out so far I would guess that there will be applications soon that can transfer speech into braille, thus making it easier for blind learners of English, and more so their teachers, to create for example teaching material from videos. So far, I guess they would need to work their way round by using existing AI applications for creating a transcript in 'normal writing' first and then convert this into braille.
From the perspective of inclusive teaching in general AI is already seen as a chance to create learning settings that fit individual needs in times of a lack of human resources in the system.
I believe so , the methods of teaching are now developing ,and the AI has fostered teaching that now we witness "the classroom without walls " . Hence , AI is sophisticated enough to overcome any teaching issue even for the special needs peers.
نحن لا نستبعد أي فكرة مستقبلية عن الذكاء الاصطناعي ونحن في الثورة التكنولوجية واعتقد انه في الأعوام القليلة القادمة سنتعرف على طرق البرامج الجديدة الذكاء الاصطناعي التي تساعد على القراءة المكفوفين وغيرهم من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة فهذه ستكون نقطة تحول للحياة و التعليم لهم جميعا