I'm trying to classify a raster in distance intervals (32) WITH the RECLASSIFY tool from arcGIS 10.2. However the results are only 10 intervals. Someone know how to change this preset value?
You should be able to increase the number of intervals using the 'Add entry' button in the reclassify tool and manually assign interval values. You will have to make individual intervals for each of your 32 classes.
Alternatively, use the 'Classify' button within the reclassify tool and either increase the number of classes via the drop down box OR manually enter 'Break values' to the list on the right side.
If you've got either the Spatial Analyst or 3d Analyst extension, you should be able to reclass to any number of class values. I suggest making your own text file with classifications and using this tool (also available through 3D Analyst):