Hi everyone I am running Structure programme smoothly. I scored data as o and 1and perform analysis but in the result files are empty at the end of the simulation. I tried both window 7 and 8 for running structure version 2.3.3 and 2.3.4 but the problem is still there. The data file I prepared as a binary matrix and species is assumed haploid input format is when uploaded with structure and programme were set with length of burning period 20000 and number of MCMC100000, using Admixture model with correlated allele frequency assuming set of population of 10. I set K=2 to K=10 the programme run smoothly but I could not get result file even after so many change. One more thing want to share that I am getting the value of Ln Like= --- and Ln PD = 0 is this the reason of no results. and if this the reason then how I can remove it Kindly suggest what is needed to be done exactly