Thank you, Assoc. Prof. Hassan for your kind respond. =) I have 3 out of 4 journal articles that you have attached. But not sure if the items are relevant to measure work motivation for science pre-service teachers. Actually, I was wondering if I could just adopt the instrument from Gagne et al. into my thesis since it is for multiple work setting.
This seems like you'll need to construct and pilot your own instrument. Certainly, you may be able to borrow ideas in question design and sequencing from existing instruments (as you suggest in adapting Gagne's instrument), but your topic is esoteric enough to require a pilot study. In my experience, the pilot study would make a great MA thesis topic that would then set the table for a dissertation. That said, if you're doing this kind of work you likely know that researchers who create many such scales on subjective topics attempt to rationalize their value based on content validity, construct validity, etc. (see Campbell & Stanley's classic text). Good luck with your work!