Dear Deepak, surely the Doneddu friend is right: 99%, it is a Tonna cumingii, but the current taxonomic confusion about this group of species is almost inextricable. While waiting for a study mitochondrial face clearly, I labeled all the specimens in my collection as "Tonna chinensis complex!", Toghether in this "group" Tonna chinensis, T. deshayesii and T. cumingii, could only be separated with some certainty only T. poppei, especially for its protoconch decidedly different.
Dear Bini, seems to be an interesting work. Have you published this work? If so would be very much interested to have a copy of the same. In India Tonna alium, T. cepa, T. cumingii, T. dolium, T. perdix, T. sulcosa, T. tesellata, T. fasciata and T. tesselata have been recorded. It has not been revised. Will try my best to get more information on the species listed and hopefully will have an idea of species.
My dear Samuel, Contrary to what many of our colleagues do, I write little. Indeed, almost nothing. Why? Because I believe that my observations are of little interest. What I suggested is not published (at least by me), but it is only the result of my observations gained over many years of experience. If, in my small way, I can help you in some way, I am at your disposal.
Dear Bini, you should publish.. see like me many more can be benefited because of observations. Thank you for the help that you have extended. Lets see what best can be done. Thanks again