I am trying to carry DSSP analysis on 200 ns md simulations. However, I am constantly getting this error. I even tried to perform on different computer build, resulting into the same error but at different timesteps. Any help on this is highly appreciated?


do_dssp -f protein.xtc -s protein.tpr -o protein.xpm -sc protein.xvg  -v

Gromacs version: 4.6.5

DSSP version: 2.0.4

225 residues were classified as hydrophobic and 239 as hydrophilic.

Reading frame 12000 time 24000.000


Program do_dssp, VERSION 4.6.5

Source code file: /build/buildd/gromacs-4.6.5/src/tools/gmx_do_dssp.c, line: 669

Fatal error:

Failed to execute command: Try specifying your dssp version with the -ver option.

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