See for basic usage of ODE45 and for a complicated example.
For "nonlinear coupled differential equations", try the FortranCalculus (FC) language that got its start by NASA's Apollo Space program.
FC-Compiler™ application is a (free) Calculus-level Compiler that simplifies Tweaking parameters in ones math model. FC solves Algebraic through Ordinary Differential Equations Equations; Laplace transforms; etc. FC is based on Automatic Differentiation that simplifies computer code to an absolute minimum; i.e., a mathematical model, constraints, and the objective (function) definition.
Most math Modeling, Simulations, & Optimizations can be easily solved with a Calculus-level language/compiler. A half-hour per problem should be enough time to code and execute most math problems. Solves Algebraic Equations through Ordinary Differential Equations, for more visit . Equations may be implicit, non-linear, Boundary Value Problems (BVP), Initial Value Problems (IVP), etc. Download, install, & execute some demo problems. Simple and its Freeware! (PDE solvers are in the works!)