Our educational institution - Department of Military Training of Odessa State Environmental University - is engaged in the field of military education for meteorologists to serve at the Hydrometeorological Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Our Department belongs to Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.
Ukraine is adopting its military standards to existing NATO STANAGs (Standardization Agreements). In August 2017 Ministry of Defence of Ukraine had published its appropriate order (No. 450) that established the responsible structures and tasks for them concerning implementing basic NATO standards. Our Department was chosen responsible for standardization in the field of meteorological service.
We are highly interested in obtaining electronic copies of several standards: AD 80-34, AWP-4(B), AMETOCP-2, AMETOCP-3, STANAG 2507, STANAG 6013, STANAG 6014, STANAG 6015, STANAG 6022 (and other available "meteorological" STANAGs in action). That standards are not available on the site
FAQs for users at
contain the following message regarding STANAGs that are not published online:
Q. What do I do to get a copy of a Cover Document or Standard that is not available on the site? A. Find the contact for the responsible working group and request a copy (consider asking them to forward a copy to NSO as well).
Unfortunately, we could not find any information about contacts for Military Committee Working Group for Meteorology and Oceanography (MCWG (METOC)). Nonetheless, we have found the following information (published at
Col. Jan Círek has been Chief of Hydrometeorological Service of the Czech Armed Forces since 2012. He currently chairs to the NATO Military Committee Working Group for Meteorology and Oceanography. But this information can’t help us with the NATO "meteorological" STANAGs.
Could you be so kind and send us the following standards in the electronic form (which are unclassified):
AD 80-34, AWP-4(B), AMETOCP-2, AMETOCP-3, STANAG 2507, STANAG 6013, STANAG 6014, STANAG 6015, STANAG 6022?