It was extracted from the glue of a chromotropic yellow trap mounted on a vineyard in Madeira Island. It is hairy and has distinctive spines bordering the pronotum.
Thank you for guiding me on the right path. It is indeed a Psammoecus and I am almost sure it is P. personatus Grouvelle, 1919 an endemic species of the Macaronesian Archipelagos.
Dear Antonio and Rinaldo, congratulations on your command of the beetles of Madeira. There are so many beetles that I can only identify a tiny portion of the ones in the Eastern United States. I enjoyed Antonio's paper on the diversity of arthropods in the Madeira and Selvagens. Thank you for caring so much about these wonderful creatures.
I've just come in from a nighttime search for spiders. Spring seems to be coming along much earlier than normal. Here I'm worried about the climate destabilization. I would think that is a big problem in Madeira too, as everywhere.
Thanks for your interesting input. I only have this single specimen and it is not easy to see the fine details described in the key you sent, but at least now I am not so sure about its identity. Perhaps you are right and it is triguttatus.