There are models of ZF in which some Cantor cubes are non-compact. If a Cantor cube $X= 2^J$ is non-compact, there does not exist a compactification $\alpha X$ of $X$ such that, for each $j\in J$, the projection $\pi_j: X\to {0, 1}$ is continuously extendable. Suppose that M is a model of ZF in which a Cantor cube $X=2^J$ is not compact. Then, of course, $X$ is not locally compact, so it might be hard to find a Hausdorff compactification of $X$ in M. I wonder whether there is any Hausdorff compactification of $X$ in $M$. Perhaps, some researchers know a satisfactory answer to my question and can show to me a proper piece of literature about it. I would be grateful for it. I have prepared a talk at a conference about ZF-theory of Hausdorff compactifications, some constructions of strange Hausdorff compactifications that are not cube-compact of some Tychonoff spaces are included in it.