In my view, health and malnourished both are opposite to each other, but while going through a research paper, I found a statement that "healthy children are also malnourished". So asking the above question to Research Gate fraternity
Good question, from our experience in Iraq, the answer is YES. We have seen many previosly healthy children who became malnourished, and then regained full recovery when they recieve nutritional rehabiliation.
Mohammad - this statement may well refer to the concept of 'food deserts' i.e. deprived communities in countries, such as the US, whereby there is a lack of outlets selling fresh produce and, instead, ready access to processed, convenience outlets i.e. 7/11 stores, KFC, Wendy's etc. Children have access to plenty of food - but they are malnourished in terms of the correct balance of nutrients - especially fresh fruit and vegetables
I think YES......It may take some time before deficiency symptoms of a particular vitamin/mineral/ proteins aggregates and starts appearing externally. Until then, the children seems healthy.