all and guidelines for contributions

The association’s Forum of EthnoGeoPolitcs typically includes some of our own publications, but is above all intended to elicit analytic debate by allowing scholars to air their views, perspectives and research findings—with critical responses from others who may hold a different view or research approach. The Editorial Board does not apply a strict wordlimit for full-fledged research articles, but we prefer contributions of no more than 10,000 words. We also welcome short analytical articles, book reviews, review essays, and opinion pieces.

Although research articles and essays (particularly so-called ‘Main articles’) in Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics will undergo rigorous peer-review, we also welcome and publish open comments i.e. critical responses—from now on also contributions in Russian, German, Spanish and other non-English languages. These can be anonymous if the commentators wish so. Yet we encourage the commentators and reviewers to allow us to publicize their names under their contributions.

We may also publish the peer-reviewers’ comments as critical responses upon their consent—anonymously or otherwise—if we think that their comments may encourage discussion, feedback and dialogue. Nevertheless, we believe that open comments after the acceptance of an article is a better instrument in that regard, because, usually, most of the peer-reviewers’ comments will already be addressed by the author after he or she revised his or her article.

If the revisions are farreaching, the reviewer will receive the author’s revised manuscript and might modify his or her critical response accordingly.

The Editorial Board may publish some of the later comments on published contributions as critical responses (maximum 3,000 words) in one or more subsequent issues of the journal. Extensive critical responses with source references may be published as full-fledged, separate research articles.

Regular contributors may get a guaranteed space in future issues of our journal, with a recognisable header like ‘Dorsey’s Column’ for James M. Dorsey’s contributions from the Summer 2017 issue onwards. It does not necessarily mean that we approve everything that these contributors may say. The contributors themselves are responsible and accountable for their statements.

Furthermore, we welcome contributions for special issues on common themes, like the one on Human Security in the Winter 2015 issue. The association EthnoGeoPolitics is willing to (re)publish special issues in book form—and publish monographs and other major manuscripts in book form as well.

To reiterate, research essays—particularly so-called ‘Main Articles’—undergo rigorous peer- review i.e. judgments from at least two peer-reviewers. Extensive (book) review essays that have undergone such (peer-)review as well, are also considered and named as Main Articles.

With your submitted manuscript, be it a research article, opinion piece, book review or a critical response, please supply your name, contact details, academic and/or other professional titles and affiliations, as well as your research specialisms and any major publications. Please submit articles and responses through the contactform at page ‘Contact’, or to [email protected].

Availability of Issues

The published issues are freely available and downloadable in pdf-format (see the list shown below). For those who wish to receive a paper copy of one or more issues, we seek an arrangement with a professional publisher or printing company to make these available for a certain price to be paid either to the publisher/printer or directly to EGP. In the near future, we will also make available freely downloadable pdf documents of the individual articles and other texts as published in each of the journal’s issues.

Published Issues freely downloadable in pdf-format


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  •  Forum of Ethno Geo Politics Vol5 No2 Winter 2017
  • Volume 5 Number 2, Winter 2017
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