We are looking for colleagues from India, Brazil, China and South Africa, to apply for a grant for sociological and managerial sciences in Russia; сan you recommend anyone?
I am from Brazil and it seems to be an interesting opportunity. Could you please let me know what is the topic of the project you have in mind for the collaboration?
I am from India and my research interest is in the governance and management of non profit organisations. If there is a possibility in this area, please let me know about it.
Thank you for your answer. My department conducts research in the fields of sociology of management, sociology of organizations and personnel management. But it's better if you let us know about some of your topics, because we have nine departments in the Faculty of Sociology. I can give information about you to my colleagues.
am from India teaching in the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, centre for social justice and governance. Your project sounds interesting. How can we collaborate
Invitation to jointly apply for research proposal under ASEAN-India collaborative R & D scheme funded by DST, Govt of India
I am in India teaching at KLE college of Pharmacy, Benagaluru in the branch of Pharmaceutics. I would be interested to know in case any body from the ASEAN countries (Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, The Philippines, Thailand, Viet Nam). Those who are Interested can contact me at [email protected]