Blood pressure variability complicates the treatment of hypertension. Share thoughts or references based on a typical case.
The patient has mild hypertension, but with a morning blood pressure surge that sometimes exceeds 130/80, and sometimes does not. His morning sitting blood pressure is higher, about 136/80, and standing is at that level, or sometimes higher . The orthostatic hypertension is accompanied by a pronounced increase in pulse, from 60 lying, to 85 sitting and 90 standing. The patient's evening lying blood pressure is often low, say 100/62, with occasional readings even lower. Orthostatic increases in the evening are less pronounced, less certain, and generally end up in a low normotensive range. The patient is a non-dipper.
The patient had been treated with candesartan, gradually increased to the maximum dose. Currently he's taking chlorthalidione 6.25 and candesartan 12-16. Trying to balance morning sitting and standing pressure that are too high with evening pressures that are too low.