I am planning to do a little (maybe not so little) research concerning the influence of academic and non-academic publications (separated, if possible) on policy. In my case, I care about the indigenous movement and the creation or enhancement of "political opportunities" or the access to resources and how it is influenced by research - via State agencies, for instance.

On a recent conference, I came across a method rarely used in the social sciences that could be of use for this research: bibliometrics. With tools like Google Ngram Viewer (http://books.google.com/ngrams) or jstor Data for Research (http://about.jstor.org/service/data-for-research), you can find out easily and quickly, when a certain term appeared first in publications and how much it was used when.

Nevertheless, those tools have their limits - especially if you're doing a rather specialized research like me.

Is there anyone who has experiences with bibliometrics? Anyone used this method already? Maybe someone knows a better tool than the above mentioned?

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