I would like to know which is the best strategy for a in "incomplete" TSP. It is incomplete because I do not know  the reciprocal distances among the "cities" but I can evaluate the overall cost to travel across all "cities" (each city is visited, and only once etc..). I have to deal with ~3000 cities and the function to evaluate the path is pretty costly (~40 seconds) but I can make use of multiprocessing (I span computation on 20 processors). I have tried Tabu Search that shows I can improve solution respect to previous "greedy" attempts. Unfortunately Genetic Algorithms did not yield good solutions (the distance increases!!) likely because crossover and/or mutation inject noise instead of variable information. I used "ordered" crossover and I implemented mutation as swaps among "contiguous" cities. Maybe I would better go to Simulate Annealing but I am interested to know if for such a problem there might be a chance for GAs?! 

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